Monday, January 2, 2012

Oh ya!

Wheeee! This is fun!! So today was one of those days that it would've been sooo easy to skip out on. It's raining and super windy, haven't eaten since breakfast, very tired, with a grumpy baby who is teething, Bachelor is back on and I can't wait to see it, wallyball to sit at, football to watch, etc, etc- the excuses could go on and on. BUT instead of using those excuses we got our bikes attached to the trainer and went to town! It was a great 35 min workout!
We had one of our bikes attached to the trainer while the other person played wii and Hannah was highly entertained to sit in her exersaucer and watch us sweat!
It felt so good! I can't even believe the difference it makes in my perspective and outlook on life in general. By the time we had both finished our workouts we were 1.5 hrs in and felt like we couldn't have had a more fun, productive, good feeling evening!

Glad we all have each other to help us stay on track!!!! Go "Team Get-Fitters"!! :)

<3, Marianne


  1. Way to go Marianne :) btw, what is Bachelor? You have my curiosity up? 99% of the time here we can't use the excuse of But yes, you just feel so much better after a good ole workout!

  2. I'm so glad you didn't skip-- good on you!!!! You had so many good excuses too;)

    I want to see a pic of your bike + trainer sometime:) I don't think I am picturing exactly the right thing- would love to see the set up!!!

    The Bachelor is a reality tv show that follows this cutie pie named Ben in his journey to find true love with 20-something contestants, and at least one gets eliminated every week... so much juicy drama & dreamy romance *sigh*

  3. Haha! Yes, sounds like you're a sucker for it too, Anna? :) Michael is going to get the computer set up so that I can watch hulu while I am riding my bike- HOORAY! :)

    I just posted pics, so I hope that you will be able to see.

    The thing I love about the trainer is that we are riding our own bikes and getting use to them again- instead of a stationary bike that you never actually ride on, when out on the road. Woohoo for a sore tush and wrists--aack! BUT it's a good sore! :)

  4. Thanks for the pictures and the info on Bachelor. Good I understand! lol...with all the details! girly stuff...don't think any guys would like it! ha ha Poor Michael would have to ride at a different time! lol

  5. So tonight I got to successfully ride my bike while Hannah played in the exersaucer and we watched the Bachelor (Michael was not home- so we didn't bore him too much)! :)

  6. Super awesome!!! Def not what I had pictured in my head:) Lol- i know nothing about bikes.

    Is it freezing in the garage- or do you just warm up really fast!???

    I love how content Hannah is:)

    And your wildy painted cabinents- so you!

    Going to be an interesting season on B, eh!?

  7. We have a high power space heater that does a great job of warming it up, out there.

    The cabinets are likely going to change this year. We are working on turning the garage into a 2nd living room. We want to sheetrock, lay carpet, finish the ceiling, add heat ducts, and move our office out there. :)

    B, is craaaazy! I <3 Ben, though! I hope he makes wise choices :)

  8. I love how this post turned totally unfitness related- but hey, there are OTHER important things to talk about like Bachelor & finished garage spaces, obvs!!! It's important to have those things to keep us sane while we acheive our fitness goals right!?

    We are doing the same thing with our garage... eventually. Maybe not with carpet, and instead of heat duct- a/c, LOL. It is Zane's glorified man cave/tv room/Gator hang out spot. Someday, someday:) Needs insulated to be comfy tho:)


  9. Figure we have to have some plain old chatter along with the serious stuff. Ha. :-)
