Monday, January 16, 2012

Checking In

Hey, I just want to thank everyone for keeping me inspired :)  though I haven't done much inspiring :(   Harv & I did walking and wallyball last week ---- we were counting on wallyball tonight but thanks to snow that MIGHT come the place is closing early -- BOOOO!!!  (I hear Donna & Jaime laughing at us).  Anyway, we'll have to figure out plan B quickly and do something ----- I'm thinking maybe some one handed push-ups like Hannah!!! (sad truth is I can't do a full, true, straight push-up two handed -- push-ups and pull-ups are an enemy to be conquered --- eventually!!!)

Keep on moving & posting!!!!   Linda


  1. AHAHHAHAHAH! Oh this is the greatest!!!! I love it!

  2. Yay for one handed pushups!...errr I mean a push up at all! :) Good job, Mom! I love you!

  3. Haha! I was laughing when I read about closing because it MIGHT snow and then I read the next sentence!! Then I really laughed. You know us too well!!

    I sure wish we lived near each other so we could work out together. Love and miss you!! And give that little Miss Hannah a big kiss for me.

  4. Love the picture and the ONE handed push-up Hannah...wish I could do one of those...I'm jealous!!! You go girl!!! :) lol We do the "girly girl" push-ups in one of the classes at the gym...thats about as good as it gets for me on that subject!!!! So happy to see everyone doing so good here! Can't believe you'all are finally having some SNOW...and COLD...we are supposed to have a low of 36 tonight and well, for here that is COLD...brrrrrr.
