Monday, February 13, 2012

Pam's 6-Week Goal

Just checking in with my 6-week goals.  My MAIN goal is is to MAINTAIN my weight.  Since I reached my weight-loss goal and don't want to lose anymore weight, I think I am going to find it difficult to maintain my current weight.  I have to admit with all the exercise I have done, I really didn't have to struggle to get down to where I wanted to be.  However....maintenance, is another story....and I've decided, I'm not going to be cranky or difficult to be around (if it comes to that), but I do want to try to keep the weight off IF I can without stressing about, that's goal #1.  Goal #2 is to be able to get in 7 workouts each week, as I did the first 6 weeks, and goal #3 is to UP my water intake just a little bit more...won't say 64 ounces, but just more than I already take in and try not to miss any days of taking my vitamins.   OK, I said it "OUT LOUD" now, I need to really get 'on the stick' and be accountable to you, all my family!!!  Good Night :)

1 comment:

  1. Good job reaching your goal and good luck on your maintaining. I'm sure you will do great!
