Monday, February 13, 2012


Hey guys! I'm proud of you all for doing so well!  I would like it for everyone to email me with the name of the person that you think should win.  My email address is  Please let me know by the end of day today or beginning of tomorrow so that I can get the prize to the winner! :)

Also, how do you feel about your goals?  Were you successful.  Thank you for some of you already checking in on your goals.  Good to hear.

My goals did not go as planned- I definitely drank more water on SOME days but not everyday.  I'm terribly disappointed in my weight loss- I'd lose and gain the same 2-3 lbs---sooooo annoying!  My goal for the next 6 weeks is to lose 10 lbs--- no slacking for me, this time!!!!

Good job everyone keep it up! Here's to another great week.

And looking forward to receiving all of your photo votes.
Hugs, Marianne


  1. I understand your frustration, Marianne. As you saw from my weekly spreadsheet, I lost and gained the same couple of pounds too. I am trying to keep a positive attitude and focusing on the improvements that I have noticed. You are doing a great job!!!! Keep up the great work. I'm sure you will see more weight loss this 6 weeks. Love you! :)

  2. So happy to see your determination for this next 6 slacking...just "gonna do it" can be so frustrating, I know. Even though I reached my goal, I'm having a hard time MAINTAINING it. So frustrated I was up one lb. this week! But, just the way it goes...can't give up, just have to go for it :) Thanks for keeping so positive! :)

  3. Hey sweetie! Hang in there. I know just how you feel, but we can do it! For once, I am determined to make this work and I really think that doing this together we can. So just keep pushing on and it WILL happen! We gotta believe, right?!?
