Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Linda :)

Michael is in the lead with Hannah in tow, then Marianne, Brenda, Neil, Harv & my foot :)

Hannah clapping!!!
Well here's my check in, finally!  I got a very painful shin splint - but I was trying to keep going inspite of it until I read that it could turn into a stress fracture :(  So, I've been icing it 2-3 times a day and not playing wallyball or walking (for exercise) but I found out that biking doesn't hurt it - YEAH!! So we biked at Alki on Saturday and I've done the exercise bicycle at the Y and also where we play wallyball (so I could ride the bike and watch everyone else playing wallyball)!!  Anyway, I think it's about totally healed now :)    I've loved all the pictures & posts!!!  Love y'all :)


  1. Yay, I wondered where you were....now I know. Sorry about your shin splint...I've never had one of those...so don't know what they're about and I guess I don't want to know...sounds like you figured out how to "work around it" though :) Hannah's so sweet clapping in her little "burley" probably happy to get to go along for the ride. So much fun, so sweet! :)

  2. LOVE the pics!!! I'm glad to hear you are recovering from the shin splint!

  3. Awesome pics, and AWESOME for not giving up even with your shin splints (ouch) that is super impressive auntie!!!!
