Monday, February 20, 2012


Time for another contest!  This is going to be fun.  In the next two weeks the challenge is to try one new type of exercise and take a picture of it, try one new vegetable and take a picture of you eating it, and try one new fruit and take a picture of you eating it.

This contest is to challenge us, get us out of our comfort zone, and hopefully find something new that we like.  It will also give the rest of us an idea of what you tried, if you liked it, and if it something we should try.  You can try more than one new thing in any of the three categories but it's not a requirement and it does not necessarily give you extra points.

The prize will be announced a little later.  The contest starts today and ends on March 4th.  Voting will be on Monday, March 5th and the winner will be announced on Tuesday, March 6th.

Do some research on what you want to try, have some fun, and try NEW things!!!!  Keep us posted how it's going!!



  1. Sounds like a fun challenge!!! Can't wait to see everyone's pictures! :)

  2. This should be fun! Looking forward to seeing all the picks!
