Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Jaime Jo

I am certain, that somewhere under all my fluff, I have abs like Cheryl!!  ;)

Mom and I got in some Latin Dancing tonight, which is always a challenge for us!  As usual though, I ended the workout in a better mood then I started it.  I followed it up with a nice hot bubble bath when I got home and now my pillows are calling my name!

Nighty-night family!  Don't let the bed bugs bite.  And if they do, beat 'em with a shoe, til they're black-and-blue...


  1. haha! I know that you are right- we've all got those abs hiding! ;)
    I love working out for that reason too- feeling so much happier after finishing than I did before.
    Good for you!

  2. Oh Jaime, you tickle my funny bone :) And I'm thinking if you beat the bed bugs with a shoe long enough it would count as a workout!!!! Love ya :)

  3. How funny, Jaime Jo :) I'm sure glad the Latin dance I do at Zumba is the same thing over and over everytime I go, otherwise I'd be VERY confused...glad to finally have it "down". Each class is the same for us "oldies" and makes it really fun once you learn it!

  4. Hahah... love it. ALso picturing Jaime beating a bug with a shoe for 30 minutes now thanks to Linda, LOL.
