Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Harv, Linda, Marianne, Michael, Hannah, Brenda & Neil

Ok, so we tried some new stuff the other night.  I'll post pictures of what it was and everyone can post their own pictures of them eating it :)

This was our new vegetable --- Cactus.  I'm sure Tom & Pam could get some a lot fresher out of the desert :)  The produce guy told me you can put them in Pico de Gallo, which is basically like a salsa or put oil & salt on them and grill them.  Soooo, we tried the grilling technique, which probably would have been fine except I'm quite sure you don't want to put the salt on till it's done because it drew the moisture out and made the outside REAL, REAL slimy!!!!! Getting beyond the slime the taste wasn't bad, Michael described it kinda like green pepper - which I'd have to agree with.

The following fruits I'll let everyone describe themselves:

                                                             Kumquat (teeny tiny citrus)

                                       Pummelo (huge citrus)  --- this one only cost like $4.99 :/

                                                                        Ugly Fruit

Monday, February 27, 2012

Happy Monday:)

Can't wait to start seeing everyone's contest photos!  We tried new fruits and a veggie yesterday, so pictures will come soon!

I had a really bad sweets day yesterday, but I am back on track today and going strong and going to keep on track this week!  I feel like so often once I fail, I figure well I already failed so I just keep on going until I am way, way, way off track- bad, bad, bad.  So, even if I fail I need to see that as one setback and get back on track right then rather than keeping going in the wrong direction! It is going to be a great week!

Have a wonderful, wonderful week! Hugs!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Donna's first contest pic

Don't know if this counts or not, but here is my first picture!  Chicken polish sausage with mango and jalapenos.  Hehe   :-)


Wishing I was in Seattle tonight.  Would love to be there to hold a hand, kiss a cheek, and give a hug.  Even though I'm here in MN, my heart and thoughts are out west!

Love you guys!!

Marianne's Update.

So I haven't done great the last few weeks.  I've felt like I have kind of fell off of the band wagon.  But guess what I'm not giving up.  I only got two workouts in total last week but I'm already at 2 for this week and I'm determined to make at least 5 by the end of the week.

Very glad for all of you checking in and keeping me motivated and on track.

There has been a little something lately that has been causing me an extra lack of energy and a big bit of nausea.  But this little something is not going to slow me down from working out, losing weight, or staying on track- I said from the beginning "no excuses"- right? :)

This is our new little peanut of love!!!  Due to make it's arrival around October 15th!

But don't get too excited...this does NOT mean I'm leaving the blog.  Ya'll are stuck with me for the entire year! :)  I have gotten clearance from the doctor to keep going as I have been previously- so it's gonna be the same ol', same ol' here! :)

Just wanted to let you guys know before it hits facebook because you are my closest support group!  I love you all!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Donna Check In

Hi everyone!

I love everyone's goals and am excited about the contest -- even if I have to try a new vegetable and have JJ take some pictures of me hopefully not gagging :-(   But it will be good for me right??

I'm having a pretty good week so far.  We have been doing the 2 mile walk in 30 minutes.  It is a pretty good workout.  Lots of sweat and tears!!

I have to say that I've exercised more in the last 2 months than I have in the last 2 years!!  So a big thank you to Marianne for starting all this craziness!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Time for another contest!  This is going to be fun.  In the next two weeks the challenge is to try one new type of exercise and take a picture of it, try one new vegetable and take a picture of you eating it, and try one new fruit and take a picture of you eating it.

This contest is to challenge us, get us out of our comfort zone, and hopefully find something new that we like.  It will also give the rest of us an idea of what you tried, if you liked it, and if it something we should try.  You can try more than one new thing in any of the three categories but it's not a requirement and it does not necessarily give you extra points.

The prize will be announced a little later.  The contest starts today and ends on March 4th.  Voting will be on Monday, March 5th and the winner will be announced on Tuesday, March 6th.

Do some research on what you want to try, have some fun, and try NEW things!!!!  Keep us posted how it's going!!


Neil's 6 week goals

Hey guys! I know I haven't checked in as often as I should, but I have been reading all of your posts.  They keep me motivated and entertained.  Not that I have tried to but over the last 6 weeks I have lost 6 lbs.  Since everyone else is making goals, I will make mine- SO, I want to work on tightening up my core and that will go along with the picture I posted- definitely feelin' the burn. :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Jaime Jo

Hope everyone had a great week!  My week was pretty good.  We did some swimming, some walking and some dancing.  I also managed to get in all my fruits and vegies this week with the help of V8 V-Fusion Juice! :)  I'm feeling pretty good.  I love everyone's new goals!!

Keep up the great work everyone!  :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Brenda - new goals

Hey everyone! I'm a little off the ball, but as far as goals go I did alright with my last goals of drinking 64 oz of water (not everyday, but almost) and running a 5k.  I didn't actually do a race, but I did run over 3 miles without stopping.

So, for the next six weeks (starting now) I want to continue to work on drinking water.  My other big goal is that I am going to give up sweets with one exclusion and that is Menchie's.  For those of you who don't know what Menchie's is, well it is delicious frozen yogurt over in West Seattle.  This is going to be real hard for me (mostly giving up ice cream in general since we don't go to Menchie's everyday) but I keep thinking I want to and should do it, so I am going to make it public for everyone to know and hopefully help keep me on track!  I think this is going to be my focus so this will be my solitary (well, I guess I kind of have two) goal for the following weeks!

I slacked on getting more pictures up but I am going to try and put one up here and there anyway, hopefully one sometime this weekend! I have found a new workout/fun activity that I enjoy... rock climbing! I went last weekend for the first time to a gym called Stone Gardens and I am going again tonight so I am excited about that.  Other than that I have been doing a lot of the same ole stuff- just a mix of whatever sounds fun that day!

Glad to see everyone's posts and excited to see all of the continued improvements and inspiration!

Cheers! :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

tom's planking exercise

hi I want to share this photo after the contest as I new it would have been an unfair advantage for the contest. Notice the form (very important) head shoulders and rear all in perfect alignment. the most difficult part of this exercise is getting the plank on your back. For a more advanced and fun version if you have a friend or family member that wants to watch an event it is a perfect bench for them to sit on while you are planking. Nothing like killing 2 stones with 1 bird. This is 1 of the ways I used to get my astonishing results 3.8 lb weight loss in only 6 weeks. So that is 1 of my secrets to my amazing results. I also have a favorite yoga pose I can submit that is also helpful if anyone would like some free help to try to amass this kind of weight loss. I just want to be as helpful as i can.  Seriously my goal is for a 7 lb weight loss this 6 week period. What is the ending date for the current 6 weeks? Tom

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Hi all!  Hope everyone is doing great.  Monday JJ and I walked to the Walk Slim DVD, last night we went swimming and tonight we danced with Kim and the Dance with the Stars crew.  I have definitely decided that swimming whether it be Aqua Zumba or just doing aerobics in the water is by far my favorite way to exercise.  I do like walking outside, so can't wait for warmer weather.  Last night Jaime and I were the only ones in the pool the whole hour we were in the water so that was nice.  Anyway, have to go get supper.  Looking forward to reading all your posts!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


And the winner is.....

PAM!  Good job, I will be getting your prize sent out by the end of the week! Congratulations!

Thank you for all checking in and setting new goals.  I am motivated and inspired by you all.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pam's 6-Week Goal

Just checking in with my 6-week goals.  My MAIN goal is is to MAINTAIN my weight.  Since I reached my weight-loss goal and don't want to lose anymore weight, I think I am going to find it difficult to maintain my current weight.  I have to admit with all the exercise I have done, I really didn't have to struggle to get down to where I wanted to be.  However....maintenance, is another story....and I've decided, I'm not going to be cranky or difficult to be around (if it comes to that), but I do want to try to keep the weight off IF I can without stressing about it..so, that's goal #1.  Goal #2 is to be able to get in 7 workouts each week, as I did the first 6 weeks, and goal #3 is to UP my water intake just a little bit more...won't say 64 ounces, but just more than I already take in and try not to miss any days of taking my vitamins.   OK, I said it "OUT LOUD"...so now, I need to really get 'on the stick' and be accountable to you, all my family!!!  Good Night :)

Donna's new goals

Hi all.  I'm disappointed that I did not reach my goals.  I did drink my water everyday, so made that part of my goals, but did not lose the weight that I need and want to.  I only lost 3.8 pounds :-(   I lost 2 inches which is disappointing too.  But my clothes fit better (some seem too big) - don't know how that is possible with so little weight loss and inches lost.  I do know that I am feeling much, much better and look forward to feeling even better.

I am so impressed with everyone!  I'm so in awe of those of you who lost so much weight!  Very jealous.  My old self wants to say that this isn't working for me and give up -- BUT I am happy to say that the new me says that is really dumb.  I didn't put this weight on in 6 weeks and I am sure not going to lose it in 6 weeks -- so I'm ready to keep on going!  And do better this 6 weeks!

I'm going to be a little more realistic this time around and make sure that my "eyes are not bigger than my stomach" - or should I say that "my stomach is not bigger than my wish!!"  My new goals are to lose 5 pounds, 3 inches, continue to drink 64 oz of water per day and to cut WAY back on the salt.  I also have a Dr. appointment in April and want to lower my cholesterol.  I know that that is not in this 6 weeks, but I am working now to achieve it.  I would love to go off cholesterol and blood pressure meds, but don't think I will be there yet in April.  But I am working towards that being a goal down the road (hopefully sooner than later).

It is also my goal to post at least 3 times a week on here.  I hope you all don't get too bored with my posts, but I have to admit that I do better when I post.  Posting makes me accountable cause I have to admit how good or poor I am doing.  Plus it helps me to come on and read all your posts!

I enjoyed all the pictures.  It was very hard to vote for just one.  Hope everyone keeps on snapping away!


I guess it's time to put up the 6 week post .... I didn't have a goal, officially for the first 6 weeks.  I did lose 14 pounds and my goal for the 2nd 6 weeks is to lose 10 pounds.


Hey guys! I'm proud of you all for doing so well!  I would like it for everyone to email me with the name of the person that you think should win.  My email address is mamon.lynn@gmail.com.  Please let me know by the end of day today or beginning of tomorrow so that I can get the prize to the winner! :)

Also, how do you feel about your goals?  Were you successful.  Thank you for some of you already checking in on your goals.  Good to hear.

My goals did not go as planned- I definitely drank more water on SOME days but not everyday.  I'm terribly disappointed in my weight loss- I'd lose and gain the same 2-3 lbs---sooooo annoying!  My goal for the next 6 weeks is to lose 10 lbs--- no slacking for me, this time!!!!

Good job everyone keep it up! Here's to another great week.

And looking forward to receiving all of your photo votes.
Hugs, Marianne


This is from the exercise bike, in the corner at the Y - where I've been kinda hanging out for 10-13 miles a day, this last week.  I didn't reach my goal of 10 pounds for the last 6 weeks, I only got 6 1/2.  I'm going to make my goal 10 pounds again for the next 6 weeks. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

tom posting

hi i'm posting for the first time maybe i'll do it again in 6 more weeks. good bye

Jaime Jo's new goals

I can't believe the first 6 weeks are already over.  I didn't even get near to my goal of losing 10 pounds the first 6 weeks.  I lost 1 pound and 2.50 inches.  I can tell that the workouts have been helping though.  I can definetely tell the difference, both physically and mentally, between the weeks I worked out 2-3 times and the weeks I worked out 5-7 times.  When I workout more, I am in a generally better mood and seem to have more "pep".  So I am not giving up!!

My goals for the next 6 weeks are going to be to lose a minimum of 5 pounds and 5 inches.  Also, I am going to try to get in the daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables.  For anyone who knows me at all, this one is going to be a REAL challange for me!!  HaHa!

Looking forward to see if everyone else met their goals!
Jaime Jo

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Neil's Pic

The Kinect can be a great workout.  This is one of my high scores that I got the gold medal on.  So the key to this game is to jump, squat, lean/side step, and fast reaction time.

Marianne's Trainer Rant.

Brenda is the meanest trainer in the world...BUT I am very thankful for her! :)  She came and spent the night last night because she TOLD me (notice I didn't say ask) that I would wake up at 5:30, pick Mom up at 6:00 and go swim at the Y for a half hour while she kept Hannah.  I have to say I was a little bit disgusted because I was super tired, and I don't even have a lap swim swimsuit right now but Michael woke me up as he left and I actually dragged myself out the door, picked up Mom, and we were at the Y at 6:30.  It has been a LONG time since I have actually done lap swim- way TOO long.  I told Brenda that I wouldn't be able to even swim a 100 (ha!) but she said well just do a 500 the first time and work up from there.  I was pretty proud of Mom and I for doing over double what she said we should start with!!! The embarrasing part though? Ya, 1100 yards use to not even be a complete warm up- ugh! Miss those days.  My arms felt very weak after we were done, and that was only for 30 minutes- in high school we had practice for 2 hours and then in college, I would work out on the elliptical while studying for 30min-1 hr and then after finishing the elliptical, I would spend 2-2.5 hours in the pool swimming laps- oh man, those were the days- I can barely last 30 minutes with any sort of speed or form or technique left by the end- UGH!  Hope to be able to work back up to what I use to be able to do. As miserable as it seemed it was going to be this morning- we actually swam 1,100 yards and I felt soooo good after we were done.
So I guess I have to say- Thank you for pushing me, Brendee! :)

Harv's Pictures

 Here's my pictures.  Biking, walking, pushing Hannah in the stroller, and "Y-ing".

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Jaime Jo

I am certain, that somewhere under all my fluff, I have abs like Cheryl!!  ;)

Mom and I got in some Latin Dancing tonight, which is always a challenge for us!  As usual though, I ended the workout in a better mood then I started it.  I followed it up with a nice hot bubble bath when I got home and now my pillows are calling my name!

Nighty-night family!  Don't let the bed bugs bite.  And if they do, beat 'em with a shoe, til they're black-and-blue...

Pam check in with new pictures :)

 I am also adding pictures for Tom too :)  We went hiking today with Anna & Zane @ SARA Park and had a gorgeous day and a 5 mile hike through the "crack" in the wall, down "slide rock" hiking into Lake Havasu, getting to see "balanced rock" and the most friendly ducks.  But we didn't have anything to feed them.  It was 75 degrees...with a slight breeze...almost "perfect".

 Anna, just before heading through the "crack in the wall"
 Tom heading down "slide rock".
 Me, heading down "slide rock"...Glad they've added a rope since I was there last time!
 Anna's turn :)
Heading through "crack in the wall"...

 Lake Havasu is half way through the hike and a beautiful sight and a nice rest stop!
Lake Havasu...


Are you serious?!!??!? RIDICULOUS!!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The LiaBraatens

Okay, I have not reported for a few weeks and I have no great excuse! Except maybe that I completely missed the mark the last two weeks on workouts! This last week I had four workouts and the week before that only three. Brent did much better than I and got in five workouts each of the last two weeks. We have been having sunshine (so rare in Washington in February!) and so we have been walking at the park with the kids. Brent went running a few times and then our usual zumba on the Wii and bike at home as well. The craziest part of these last two weeks is that I am more proud of those three lonely workouts two weeks ago than any other workouts so far! I am going to pick it back up this week for sure. Maybe I will get it in gear and post some photos as well. :)

Linda :)

Michael is in the lead with Hannah in tow, then Marianne, Brenda, Neil, Harv & my foot :)

Hannah clapping!!!
Well here's my check in, finally!  I got a very painful shin splint - but I was trying to keep going inspite of it until I read that it could turn into a stress fracture :(  So, I've been icing it 2-3 times a day and not playing wallyball or walking (for exercise) but I found out that biking doesn't hurt it - YEAH!! So we biked at Alki on Saturday and I've done the exercise bicycle at the Y and also where we play wallyball (so I could ride the bike and watch everyone else playing wallyball)!!  Anyway, I think it's about totally healed now :)    I've loved all the pictures & posts!!!  Love y'all :)

Just Checking In:)

I have pics but I will have to post them later because I don't have them loaded on my computer yet... I just wanted to check in!

Nothing too exciting going on here, I have been doing a bunch of different things to stay busy and love the mash up of workouts! Swimming, biking, elliptical, wallyball and strength training.  I had a little bit of a hip flexor hold up this week so I didn't run at all. I did one workout on Sunday that was a lot of fun and thought I would share... I did a hundreds workout - 100 of everything - lunges, squats, hip raises, 100 second wall sit, ab exercises, bicep curls, triceps extensions, shoulder exercises and 10 minutes of jumping rope.  It was a lot of fun! :)

I will post some pictures soon although I don't think I have anything to look at compared to everyone's gorgeous and fun pictures! It sure is fun to see everyone and where they workout since we are all so far apart, then I can kind of imagine what it looks like when I read your posts about your workouts! :)

Hope everyone is enjoying thee week so far, love all the posts, pictures and inspiration!!! :)



So here are some of my pictures.  6 weeks in on Sunday!!  How's it going? Push hard this week to meet those goals!

So I have found out that PS3 w/Kinect is a waaaay better workout than the Wii and such a fun, sweaty time! :)  So that was what I did yesterday- fun stuff! I highly recommend it!!

Hope ya'll have a fabulouso week!!!

Woohoo- 1/2 way through- this is fun!