Thursday, March 1, 2012


Hope everyone is having a fabulous week! I certainly am! :)
I have had a lot of fun trying new things! Here are the pictures! :)

Fruits and Veggie!
The pummelo was good- I didn't actually eat it like this, but you can see how big it was!

I thought the Cactus was pretty decent!

The kumquat I ate was suuuuper sour! I don't know, maybe mine wasn't ripe yet or something, but it was kinda like biting into a lemon!

The ugly fruit was so juicy and delicious! :)

So, I was trying to figure out what kind of exercise I was going to do for something new.  I have been wanting to go to a TRX class, which is using straps and your body weight for strength training and cardio work but the were pretty limited in times so hopefully next week.  This morning I decided I would try hot yoga- I have wanted to try it for a long time too, but have been too chicken! See, I hate being hot and I hate sweating so I thought doing yoga in a room that is 104degrees for 90 minutes probably wouldn't be a good fit for me, but I wanted to try it anyway so I did! I went to this little studio in Burien.  I had done some yoga as a class at school a couple years ago, but this was not what I expected at all!  I have NEVER sweated so much in my life but I feel so refreshed now and could stretch so much further than I ever have by the end of the class that it was all worth it and I think I will probably go back again! :) Anyway, I won't go into too much detail, but I think y'all should try it once!

After... you can't really see all my sweat, but every inch of my including all of my hair was drenched and I was as red as a ripe tomato! :) And the studio in the background!


  1. Fun! When I can (Nov) I think I'd like to try it! :) Good job!

  2. Love this post, Brenda! Some interesting fruits and veggies! Never heard of most of them!!

  3. I love you are so adventurous - and test the waters for us on these crazy exercises :)

  4. Can't wait to try HOT yoga someday...I don't think there is anyplace in Havasu that has it, sadly :( Maybe I can do it with you sometime this summer when we are in Seattle? Always thought it would be fun to try as I love Vinyasa (yoga) that I do already...but has nothing to do with heat. Way to go for trying something new and different! We have the TRX classes at our gym but you have to schedule them and pay for a series of them...can't just take one and they prefer you to do them with a small group...if possible.

  5. Brenda, I forgot to tell you that I love that picture of you eating that kumquat. I bought a bag of them a couple of years ago at a fruit stand, but ours weren't as sour. so I'm wondering if yours weren't quite ripe? These were somewhat sour, but you could actually pop them in your mouth and eat the whole thing right down whole and were quite good. Guessing the batch we had were further along and more edible :) :)
