Monday, March 26, 2012

Brenda - new goals:)

Hey everyone!!!

So, for the last six weeks I was up and down with my goal of only one sweet thing per day.  But the last week has been excellent both for sweets and just eating well in general (increasing my veggie intake too!).  So, I want to keep up the healthier eating (and continue drinking lots of fluids too) - I feel like I just really got started so I think the momentum will carry me through the next six weeks!  I also wanted to post more, I could improve on that! And as a new goal, I would like to increase my flexibility in this next six weeks too!

I love reading the blog posts, even when they are just a short update! I am going to work on posting more too and am excited to see everyone's contest pictures!!! :)

Y'all are awesome and fabulous!!!



  1. Good job! You are doing great!! Keep up the good work!

    Scavengers find a: dog with shoes on

  2. Cool Brenda...can't wait for more BLOG entries. Great goals and happy that you did well on your past 6 week goals. That's a great goal to increase your flexibility. I can't believe how much YOGA helps's made a huge difference for me. (our yoga teacher is teaching yoga for a week on a cruise ship so we have had no classes this week....neato, eh?) but I can already feel a difference in my flexibility just from not doing it for this past week :( Love all your goals!
