Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hi All!

Sorry I've been so terrible about posting on here lately.  I will do better!

I reached my goals this last 6 weeks.  I lost 14.8 pounds this 6 weeks and 21.6 since starting Family Get Fit!! WW is working!  It feels good.  But I have a long way to go.  1 pound at a time - right?? 

I haven't been as faithful with my workouts as before. So this 6 weeks my goals are to lose another 10 pounds, to continue getting in my 8 glasses of water, and to workout at least 4 times per week.

I'm so in awe of you who are working out everyday. It gives me something to strive for.

Keep moving everyone!


  1. Forgot to sign my name -- this is Donna if you haven't already figured it out!

  2. Wow Donna! You are really losing the weight. Weight Watchers is such a great program when you stick with it. Thats amazing. I'm really proud of you. You ought to be proud of yourself!!!! Way to go. You think Linda will be "skin and bones"...what about yourself...we won't be able to recognize you when we see you in September :) :) :) You'll be bikini-ready for that cruise...ha you can't wait!

  3. OHMYWORD!!!!!!! Yay, so so so happy and so proud of you! Yes, one pound at a time, but that is so awesome - that is a lot! And really getting into it can be the hardest part!

    Thanks for the update! :) Hope everything else is going well too, can't wait for you to come out here!!!

  4. WOOOHOOO!!!! Clap & Cheer :) That is SO awesome!!!! & it's so inspiring when you lose & you feel better & you stick with it & you lose some more & your clothes feel baggy & you lose some more etc, etc. Love WW - it works and it's practical!! Keep up the great work!!

    p.s. No worries --- my bones are still toooo padded!!

  5. YOU ROCK!!!! So proud of all your success, Donna!!!!
