Friday, July 13, 2012

Hello Everyone

Hello Fellow Workout Specialist and Weight Loss Experts! :)  I am late again on my six weeks post, we are already half way through the next one...big surprise, huh!?

I did reach my goal of working out everyday and I wanted to lose six pounds- I was able to lose 8. 

My workouts were walk 92 miles, wallyball 22 hrs, full court basketball 6 hrs, and trike 158 miles.

My goal for this six weeks is to lose six pounds and keep up on all the workouts except maybe the basketball.  Back to back wallyball one night and basketball the next makes my knees angry.

Anyway, we are into the second half of the year now.  I know that I will fail to lose the same amount of weight in the second half as the first half but I plan to continue working out everyday.  I was a little concerned about July 4th and all that goes with that, as far as eating but I did get out of Connell without eating one Burger Factory burger, which should be against the law. :)  I did have three small cones though, but none of them were swirl (that's a joke with my wife-she's been asking them everytime we go there for years and they did have it 20 yrs ago but never since and they don't plan to but it doesn't stop her from asking them). :)

Another challenge coming up soon is convention.  It is not a problem to get my walk in early every morning (which I have been doing for years) but working in the kitchen is a huge challenge for eating, too because you have all of this food right in front of you, all the time and extra treats, etc.  I am going to do my best.

One thing I wish I could do with everybody is take them on a trike ride- it is the best and most fun way I have found to workout, yet.  I absolutely love it!

Enough babbling for now.  I'll post again maybe in 3 weeks but probably 2-3 weeks late again. :)

Go fat burners- hee ha!


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Oh, hello :)

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far! Sorry, I have been slacking on the posts lately.

I hit the reset button this week and have been mixing things up since I have had a few days off and it has been great - I feel rejuvenated and my muscles are enjoying the change too! Today, I even got to swim this morning which I have been craving so that was fun!

Nothing really new or exciting, but just wanted to check in and say hi:)  Hope everyone is doing well!

Hugs, Brenda:)